
François Remy

Chief Financial Officer, Lyon Cité Fondation de l'Armée du Salut

Inseparable from Dir Ops, he adds the Desproges-style financial touch and talks of nothing but money.

François loves :

Pennies, money, dollars, when the books are balanced.

François dislikes:

Loss-making accounts and wasting time!

Lucas Descourtis

Director of Operations, Lyon Cité Salvation Army Foundation

The craziest of the Dir Ops who brings legality and rigor to an atmosphere made in pure humor.

Lucas likes :

Rounds within rounds and squares within squares, though....

Lucas dislikes:

Squares within squares and squares within squares, whatever....


Mathilde Duteil

Head of the Insertion par l'Activité Economique department


Determined to show that social impact and business can go hand in hand.


Mathilde loves :

Bicycles, AXs and good food.

Mathilde dislikes:

Flats, selfie poles and people holding selfie poles.


Sophie Jansen

Complex Director, Lyon Cité Salvation Army Foundation

Initiator of the idea for Le Grand Barnum and strategic project manager

This project fulfills one of her long-held desires: to bring together the social and the artistic, with the idea of a "crazy" materialization that won't leave the most perched insensible!

Sophie loves:

People, art, beauty, madness!

Sophie dislikes:

When it's all the same and looks like everything else.

Sophie Jansen